Memory, Memory, Memory. Graphite on Paper. 264” x 40”
Cyanotypes on Paper and Postcards, Var. Sizes.
Cyanotypes of small moments, developed on Crete, and exposed on the back of aging postcards, serve as ephemera and fodder for the composition of the cycloramic graphite drawing, “Memory, Memory, Memory”.
When I started the scroll-like drawing “Memory..Memory..Memory” I was thinking about ancient fresco painting, and the way it invites us to consider how we engage with things in the world. A fresco painting from 50 A.D. is painted to show off each component of the subject to its best advantage: looking up at it, and down at it, at the same time. Ancient Roman Fresco paintings show us vanishing lines that converge on the central axis but not at a central point, and its effect is cinematic. We are looking all around, and we get to see more.
I began “Memory” by taking snapshots and translating them to cyanotypes on postcards. Stitching the images together in a drawing meant I was combining objects with landscapes, their perspective and scale changing wildly. They exist in their own environment, but their placement and proximity to each other provides context. The narrative can be read front to back, back to front, or it can begin in the center and bleed out from either direction.